The best partners are those who know what you don’t but are
willing to share their knowledge.


BP Group / Towers Associates
HYM is affiliated with the London-based BP Group, a global, not-for-profit, process certification training organization. BP Group founder and process evangelist, Steve Towers, is the thought leader most responsible for the birth and growth of the Outside-In Process movement. Steve manages the BP Group on Linkedin, home of many outstanding discussion threads.. HYM’s Dick Lee manages the “Outside-In Process” BP subgroup. Active participants in both groups represent among the most forward thinking process consultants and practitioners, who collectively provide HYM with global reach and scalability. In addition to his educational work, Steve also manages a for-profit consulting firm, Towers Associates, with HYM as a resource.
Optimum Human Resource Systems: What’s a human resources consulting group doing in the middle of a office process site? Visual Workflow is extremely effective in reforming HR departments to increase throughput, at a time when HR staffs are often capped despite company growth. HYM teams up with OHRS principal Dick Warren to perform thorough compliance/process audits for HR departments. Also, as a network of independent but cooperating consultants, the Optimum team extends HYM’s reach and expertise into areas complementary to Office Process such as change management, organizational design, management and supervisory coaching, employment law and workplace safety. HYM and OHRS have worked together since the mid-1990s.  
FBS Development Group:  FBS partners with HYM in office process situations where both people and process are at issue. HYM helps redesign the work. FBS helps create the necessary behaviors to execute work. Working together we can successfully address complex workplace issues that can’t be address by either process design of employee training and counseling alone. FBS president Anita Ryan and HYM principal have a collaborative relationship extending back twelve years.
Mangen Research Associates: Company principals David Mangen and Dick Lee of HYM have been working together and writing together for many years. Dick believes that David is the “top of the top” when it comes to customer research. “Mangen’s statistical skills are off the map; he’s an exceptional analyst; and far from being just a ‘science’ guy, he has outstanding interpretive skills.” When HYM and MRA work together, we plus each other’s skills to produce insightful work for clients. 
Greater, Inc. President Dan DeBellis is an exceptionally strategy and process-aware IT consultant. He’s a very strong Visual Workflow supporter with hands-on VW experience. One example of Dan’s commitment to delivering value to clients is how he split off Greater, the consulting arm of his business, from Sienna Solutions, which represents Microsoft and other software companies, to assure complete consulting objectivity. CRM mplementers would be much better off if other companies in the space would take the same precautions. 
StrateX:  Quite frequently, office process and manufacturing process intersect at key points, which requires collaboration between process consultants from each side of the fence. Not only does StrateX deliver exceptional manufacturing process results, but founder Bob Krausert “gets it” about the differences between office and manufacturing process. In fact, Bob is the only “customer-centric” manufacturing process consultant we know. Bob and HYM principal Dick Lee have worked together for almost 15 years.