Can Customer-Centricity Cure Runaway Healthcare Costs?
U.S. Healthcare carries a price tag we can’t afford and delivers quality we can’t accept. The only way to structurally lower costs is redesigning the delivery system from scratch – and letting customer (patient) needs drive process. Not only would going customer-centric slash excess administrative costs and waste embedded in service delivery – but designing the system around customers will greatly improve quality outcomes. The conundrum is: “How do we get there?”
FREE Outside-In White Paper
Outside-In Process: The New Route to Customer-Centricity
CRM tried to provide a route to technology but buckled under the weight of tactical concerns and too much technology. Fortunately, customer-centric, Outside-In Process has exploded the scope of process and gone where CRM couldn’t. Outside-In starts by understanding customers and the customer context and lets customer need determine what work should be done, who should do it, how it should be done and the appropriate enabling technology. Random “Outside-In acts” by companies such as Amazon, Best Buy, Fed-X, Gilead Sciences and Tesco have been popping up all around us. Now Outside-In is becoming a movement with its own practitioner base.
Viewing Process Through a Strategic Lens
Almost all business managers–even process managers–regard process as tactical. That’s wrong. In fact, whether process is properly aligned with business strategy determines whether or not companies actually implement what they plan. We need to stop treating process as mere “mechanics.”
Ten Must Dos for Designing Customer-Centric Process
Office process itself is virtually virgin territory, but add in having to worry about impact on customers as well as operating efficiency? Tough task, but help is on the way. These 10 guideposts will help you stay on course during your journey through unfamiliar territory.
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