Too pushed to plan?
Consider Hyper-Planning.

Quality planning results in a fraction of the time.

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Data from the 2002 research study “The Blueprint forREDUCING OFFICE COST | DESIGNING OFFICE PROCESS | VISUAL WORKFLOW | CRM | FREE DOWNLOADS | PARTNERS | BLOG | ABOUT US | CONTACT US | HOMESuccess" (co-authored by HYM’s Dick Lee) clearly establish the importance of developing customer-centric strategies before initiatingREDUCING OFFICE COST | DESIGNING OFFICE PROCESS | VISUAL WORKFLOW | CRM | FREE DOWNLOADS | PARTNERS | BLOG | ABOUT US | CONTACT US | HOMEimplementation. In fact, customer-centric planning is the leading predictor ofREDUCING OFFICE COST | DESIGNING OFFICE PROCESS | VISUAL WORKFLOW | CRM | FREE DOWNLOADS | PARTNERS | BLOG | ABOUT US | CONTACT US | HOMEsuccess—and by a wide margin. With proper initial planning, mostREDUCING OFFICE COST | DESIGNING OFFICE PROCESS | VISUAL WORKFLOW | CRM | FREE DOWNLOADS | PARTNERS | BLOG | ABOUT US | CONTACT US | HOMEimplementations produce substantial ROI, typically enough to pay off your initial investment in less than two years. Without it, the majority produce relatively little ROI and in many cases never recoup your investment in CRM.

Lack of effective, customer-centric planning cripples many CRM/CEM implementations before they start

Based on the numbers, noREDUCING OFFICE COST | DESIGNING OFFICE PROCESS | VISUAL WORKFLOW | CRM | FREE DOWNLOADS | PARTNERS | BLOG | ABOUT US | CONTACT US | HOMEor CEM implementer should proceed without first developing customer-centric strategies. But many do—and for two reasons:

  1. No time.
  2. No patience.

Which lead to no ROI, either.

But even among implementers that do start a planning process designed to establish a clear customer focus, many fail to achieve a successful outcome—again for two reasons:

  1. Inability to escape the company-centric mindset.
  2. Information overload.

The latter factor is particularly pernicious. Companies often amass huge bodies of research and data—customer satisfaction research, customer attrition research, voice-of-the-customer research, sales numbers, sales trends, competitive trends, etc.—without having a formal process that organizes and prioritizes how all this data gets incorporated into the planning cycle in an orderly way.

The solution to the planning problem—Hyper-Planning

Faced with all these factors repeatedly over many years, HYM has developed an intensive planning regimen called “Hyper-Planning” that drastically reduces planning cycle time. In fact, by carefully structuring the sequence for using information inputs, Hyper-Planning helps users develop effective, customer-centric business strategies—the type needed to provide an effective foundation for CRM/CEM implementation—in just two intense days.

As you can imagine, these two days are no picnic. And you won’t feel like rushing off to a scrabble game when you’re through. But Hyper-Planning works—and it overcomes all the major impediments that stand between companies and effective planning, except one.

Hyper-Planning compresses the customer-centric planning cycle down to just two days

The one impediment it doesn’t overcome? Lack of accurate information about customers and customer preferences. But even here, HYM can lend a hand with our many years’ experience planning for clients in many industries—plus our customer behavior research spanning many business sectors. That said, input from you about your customers does remain a vital part of the planning process.

Is Hyper-Planning right for your organization? If you’ve failed to plan because you lack time or patience—or if you’ve failed at planning due to company-centric mindsets or uncoordinated information inputs—you owe it to yourself to find out.

For more information about Hyper-Planning please call Dick Lee, principal of HYM, at 651-483-2067 or e-mail Dick at


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